That same night the Grand Master ordered that a floating bridge which had been made of barrels, planks and spars should be placed in position between the Birgu and Saint Michel so that, in case of need, help could be sent quickly to the latter place… Next morning, when the Turks saw it, they opened fire on it with some effect, but, on the following night, the Grand Master directed that it should be placed nearer to St Angelo.
I must not omit to mention that before the arrival of the relief which was brought by Colonel Melchor Robles, His Holiness the Pope, Pius IV sent us another for our souls, which was a jubilee with plenary indulgence and full of mercy such as the church usually concedes to her children in similar circumstances, and there was not a man or a woman of age who did not perform this devotion with great piety and in the firm hope of gaining a crown of glory should they die during the siege.
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